Thursday, October 4, 2012

Feeling Better Each Day!

I am loving this Fit Foods.  It is truly amazing but more so is how much better I'm feeling eating clean.  Even Mark says that he is feeling better each day.  I can only imagine how we will both feel when we get our bodies detoxed of all the bad food we have eaten all the time.  Each day we find ourselves content with the food and more determined to afford what we are doing.  It is a good thing right now we have some extra money that his sweet Momma left us.  We have invested  most of it but we have some extra left out to help with further expenses until we are able to totally settle her estate.  Thank you so much Nannie!!!!

Yesterday I woke up with allergy and a horrible headache.  I kept thinking that I would feel better so that I could write this blog but I just kept sleeping on and off.  I nearly messed up my eating schedule.  Last night when I laid down I felt like I was drowning and I kept coughing till I finally got up and went into the media room and curled up in one of the recliners and finally got some rest.  Luckily today I don't have the headache. 

I do want to share with you what My Fit Food had in their book that I got for doing the 21-Day Challenge.  It shocked me and I bet it will shock you and even make you think about giving up coffee.

Here it is:

Artificial Stimulants

Most Americans go through the day feeling like their energy is drained.  Instead of grabbing a shot of coffee or a energy drink, there are much better and safer ways to achieve  feeling of high energy.  Artificial stimulants slow down you natural metabolism, congest your liver, dehydrate your body, cause headaches and prolong mood swings (depression).  And by the way, did I mention that most are addictive?  Although your body will have an adjustment period when you stop using thee stimulants, the natural genuine energy boosters in your meals will soon prevail!  Artificial stimulants include:  sugar, chocolate, coffee, tea, soda, tobacco and caffeine.

America's Favorite Stimulant:  Caffeine:

Excess use of caffeine can set up a very addictive mood roller coaster.  Caffeine zaps your body's natural energy supply, making you even more hooked on the stimulant as you "crash."  The more you use, the more your body becomes dependent.

Negative Aspects of Caffeine:

1.  Caffeine raises blood sugar and cortisol levels.
2.  Both regular coffee and decaf have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease.
3.  Caffeine promotes the breakdown of the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to poor eyesight.
4.  Coffee contains as many as 200 different pesticides.  Formaldehyde is a chemical used to strip caffeine out of decaf coffee--No decaf lease!
5.  Caffeine is a diuretic.  Dehydration contributes to slowing down the metabolsim.
6.  Coffee is highly acidic to the body.
7.  One cup of coffee raises cortisol for up to 14 hours.  Chronically high cortisol affects insulin levels and cause a rise in hunger as well as fat storage.

Caffeine headaches are due to:

Nutritional Biochemist Stephen Cherniske said.  "A caffeine deprivation (withdrawal) headace results from the normal opening (dilation) of blood vessel that are constricted by caffeine.  Caffeine intake keeps blood vessels in the brain constricted."  The headache is normal blood flow returning to the brain!

Use Green Tea Extract ad Vitami C to help offset the withdraw syptoms associated with elimiating caffeine.

Lovallo, W., et al. Cortisol Response to Mental Stress, Exercise and Meals Following Caffeine Intake in Men and Women." Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 83, no 3 (March 2006)

I will share more about this and how it affected my mind tomorrow. 

I did cancel my workout with Larissa today and I thought that I hoped that I would feel better last night but I didn't.  I hope to go today on my own.  If I don't quit writing and go get in the shower I am never going to get anything done!

Wishing you all a wonderful day!


  1. Interesting posting. Does the plan have a web site? By your list of locations in a previous post, they're not out east yet, but it sounds like a good thing if you're both feeling better!

    1. Their website is

      They are not out east yet. If you will email them they are looking at all suggestions that they get. They have stores in Houston, Austin, San Antonio, They are in Oklahoma City, Boise Idaho, Arizona and California. I believe that the vision of the owner is to have stores all across America but it will take time. It has truly been an amazing journey so far. I wish this for anyone who struggles with their weight!
