Monday, March 9, 2015

Big Decision!

I've tried.

I've tried to come out here and write and share and I've failed.  My heart just isn't into blogging anymore.  I'm blogged out!  I guess I've shared for so long (since 2007) I'm shared out.  I feel like I need more.  I need more interaction.  I want encouragement.

I spent the last week really thinking about this and I've decided to shut this down.  I may change my mind at some point in time or I may decide to change this into a life blog about what I love to do.  I just don't know.  I'm just tired about writing about weight loss.

What I have decided to do is start a weight loss support group on Facebook.  It will be a closed group so you have to be invited by me to be a part of it.  I have several friends who want to commit to helping and supporting each other...encouraging...because this battle is hard!!!

So...if you want to be a part of the group, leave me a comment and give me your Facebook name and I'll friend you and send you an invite!

I'm hoping you will!


  1. Facebook name is Carol Belles. I would love to join.

  2. I sent you a friend request. Accept it and I can add you to the group.
