Friday, July 6, 2012

Sick Again!!!

I woke up Monday morning with a flippin bladder infection  Luckily I was able to get an appointment to see my Primary Care Physician Tuesday morning.  Tuesday morning I woke up with another headache.  Nothing as bad as the last but my left side of my head does hurt.  It will be good to ask him what this is about as well.  I know that he is going to scream about my weight.  Well, he didn't scream about my weight but he did confirm that I had a bladder infection and gave me some meds.  I am feeling a whole lot better.  I go back in a month for a complete physical.  I asked him to check to see if I have become insulin resistant and he said that he would add it to the lab order that I need to do before the appointment.

<Note:  I don't know what happened but half of what I have written just flippin disappeared!!!  Boy does that make me soooo mad!!!!!!>  Now let me see if I can remember all that I said!

I think I talked about feeling like I was on a roller coaster about this weight.  A never ending one.  Why does this have to be so hard?  Why do I feel like I just don't have the fight any more?  I guess I have been at this for so long, wanting it so bad and feel like I'm back at square one all over again.  How many times am I going to have to lose the same flipping hundred pounds.  It just pisses me off!  I sometimes feel like I just want someone to come and do it for me.  I'm tired of fighting!  How do I get my mojo back????

The last time that I wrote I told you all that I was going to share with you something that I have found.  A friend of mine who is also a Zumba instructor has a Facebook page and one day I was looking at her photos.  I ran across this:

Needless to say that all kinds of lights went off in my pea brain.  Why haven't I thought about this???!!!!  My biggest downfall is dinner.  I don't know why it is but come dinner time I just don't want to cook.  How cool is this?  I could cook up some chicken and fish and some different veggies and make up some dinners for the week.  I don't have problems with the other meals during the day but dinner is hell on me and my diet.  It is the one meal that can have me feeling like a failure and wanting to throw in the towel.

So...I'm on a mission.  I emailed Ericka and found out if these were The Lunch Box Lady's containers or Ziplock containers.  She told me that she used Ziplock.  Now that I'm looking for the things I'm having the dickens trying to find them.  I've check out the grocery stores in the area and a few Wal-Mart's.  Next stop...Target and I hope that they have them.  If not I know that I can get them on-line at Amazon.  I'm going to start out cheap and if this really works for me then I will invest in The Lunch Box Lady's containers because they are truly heavier than the Ziplock.  She has a video on YouTube showing the difference but her's are about $14 for four containers and I need 10 so...

I really hope that this helps.  I could cook on the weekend and get everything ready and clean up the kitchen once and hurt my feet once and then there would be no more eating out!  That would be such a good thing and I'm sure it will make all the difference in the world!

What do you think?

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