Monday, March 25, 2013

I'm Back!

Well, I went but I almost didn't.  I can't tell you about how many panic attacks I had.  I was a nervous wreck and I really didn't want to go.  I did go and get my hair done and when I got home I just freaked out as I started packing my bags.  I had gotten all the things that I needed packed as far as my stitching stuff is concerned before I left to get my hair done.

As I started packing my clothes terror just overcame me and I tried calling Karen and she wouldn't answer.  I waited and called her back and then I left a message I wasn't going.  Then I called my friend Pam who was putting on the Get-Away and told her that I couldn't go.  She told me to call Karen A. back and tell her to come and get me and for her to put my behind in her car and bring me.  She told me that I was going to be fine and I was going to have fun and then told me that she would see me there and she hung up.  I call Karen back and again she wouldn't answer her phone so I left her a message telling her what Pam said and asked her to call me and I never heard from her till she came and picked me up.  I can't tell you how much I cried packing my bags.  Even when Karen got here I was still teary and the poor thing told me to just get in the car and she was going to load my stuff up.  I told her "No" that I would get it and she told me to mind her.  The poor thing had to load up 2 bags and a chair.  As we left she got me laughing and talking and she too told me that everything was going to be alright and we would have fun.

When we got there poor Karen unloaded the whole truck and just had me go in and start getting settled.  We then all congregated in the main room of the building that we were in.  Here is what a Stitching Get-A-Way looks like:

We all come with comfy chairs and/or cushions, cords running all over the place, power strips to share, all kinds of lamps, bags, tools, you name it we come prepared!  (In the bottom picture that is Karen in the bottom left hand corner.  I was sitting next to her.)  Here is the first two patterns that we were given along with all the things it takes to make them:

I am going to make mine as a stand-up (front center) instead of a pillow.  There were a few people that stitch so fast that they got one of these almost done that night.  We are talking in about 5 hours!  Boy I can't stitch that fast.  The whole weekend I barely got the head of mine done.  

My knees killed me the whole entire weekend.  OMG!  I knew that they may got to hurting so bad that I couldn't get comfortable and the pain so great I couldn't concentrate on what I was doing.  At first I would get up and walk around but that really didn't give me the relief.  I ended up about every 45 minutes having to go and lay down for 15-20 minutes.  I know that there were things that I missed but I couldn't help it.  The ladies all around me were so sweet and wanted to know what they could do to help including giving me Advil but I can't take it because of my blood thinners.  Friday night I was the first to leave and go to bed at 10:30.  We got this project later in the evening:

Saturday morning we got up and got dressed and then we heard Pam yelling up and down the hallway for us to go to breakfast.  She cracked me up because she sounded like she was a drill Sargent and it felt like we were all in the Army.  LOL!

We went to breakfast and came back for the next class and this is what we got:

It is backed in red quilt fabric so it looks like a pot holder but you would never use it.  Just hang it up for the holidays.  Do you think that I a going to be busy?  Pretty much the happenings of the day were more gifts given out by drawing names and Pam has each of us to bring a gift up to $20 and no name is placed on it.  Instead she has fill out a questionnaire that asks questions like our birthday, where we were born, our favorite colors, our favorite cross stitch fabric and fiber, Christmas or Halloween? and we go up and pick a gift and reach in to get the paper and try guessing who brought the gift.  I got the cutest thing.  It is a ceramic cupcake that has holes in the top of it to hold all my cross-stitching tools.  I also got a pink pair of scissors and a candle that looks and smells like a cupcake.  I gave away a pin cushion that stitched and had finished.  I hope the girl liked it.  I didn't know her.  She seemed too but what are you going to do?  Say Yuck?!!!!  LOL!!!!

We all went to lunch and when we got back we got this project to do:

It is a little stocking scissor fob.  What the picture doesn't show it has a long loop that you loop your scissors on and stocking dangles from your scissors.  When you are finished stitching your scissors go into the stitched stocking.  Is that adorable or what?  From 2:30 to 6:30 we had free time and some went into town and shopped and most stayed there and just stitched.  I went and took a nap and rested my knees in hopes that I could sit longer in the evening.  My dang knees just kept throbbing and aching and I couldn't concentrate on anything.  It was awful!  Trust me I would have been one happy Momma to have just sat there and stitched my heart away!

After dinner we met down in one of the rooms for a chatting time and we all had wine and got to know each other better.  At least that was what we were suppose to do.  There was no place for me to sit down so I just went to the room and took advantage of resting my knees some more.  It did help me make it till about 11:30 on Saturday night even though I still had to take breaks and to stretch out.  I bet the new girls thought that I was a trip.  We did talk and share stories and they were genuinely nice and concerned.  When we left on Sunday I told the they they would not recognize me next year and I swear they will not.  Come hell or high water I am going to have at least 120 lbs off if not more.  This weekend really made me hit bottom.  I mean deep dark black hole bottom!

Sunday brought another class and one last project.  This one is so cute:

I posted two pictures so that you could see the design and see the project finished.  It is finished on a beautiful piece of wood that is in the shape of a cutting board. I am going to busy if I want to get all this stuff finished by Christmas!  On Sunday as we were packing up we all promised to bring all of these pieces finished.  I had shared with the new girls about how much time I spend on the computer and not stitching so they made me promise them that I would stop doing that and switch for a needle and thread.  I am going to do it.  I miss my stitching.  I'm sure that I will still use the computer as I need to write this blog and I'm sure that I will continue to play my game but not as a crazy person any more.  My friend Karen on the way home told me that she wants to get together more to stitch and offered to walk with me how ever far I could walk.  She is a walker so I am going to try and take her up on that.  She also works a part-time job so we'll have to work it all out.  She again loaded all my stuff up and we headed home.  It was a fun weekend and I was able to care for myself but my knees surprised me and they really acted up.  I called the Dr. today to see if I can take Advil with my Lovonox (blood thinner) and I'm waiting for a call.  I had to cancel my appointment with Mark tomorrow and also my Remicade.  Thursday is going to be a busy day for me.  I have Anna, Kathy and then grab a sandwich and head to get my Remicade.  It means that I have to drive home in the traffic and I hope my knees can take it by then.  The Remicade nurse told me if I felt like I couldn't do it to call her and we would go for next week.  She told me to ice my knees so I am dong that as I sit here and type.  Believe it or not, it feels good.

So tomorrow, we get back to the journey.  Today I am getting back on my eating schedule and have no desire to binge.  I still for some strange reason don't feel like eating much.  But I have some other things to share with you all that I haven't yet.  Here is a hint:  "It is all about Ed".

Till tomorrow...

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