Thursday, May 2, 2013

Has It Really Been This Long????

I knew that I needed to get out here and write and I kept putting it off but I was shocked to see that it is been way too long since I've given you all an update and I'm really sorry.

Today I'm going to go and see Anna and Kathy so I'm sure tomorrow's update will be full of new stuff but for what has been happening let me get started.

Kathy and I have started the workbook Mindful Eating and boy has it shown me just how mindless I am in all aspects of my life not with just eating.  The first Chapter put me at a standstill and perhaps all the thinking that I have done has caused me to not get out here.  I can see where being mindful with my eating is going to cause mindfulness in a lot more areas of my life.  I really wish that all of you were doing with workbook with me because it would just blow you away.  Here is an example of mindlessness in a different area.  Let's say you are sitting in a lecture and you are listening to the speaker and you still listen but your mind drifts to something else.  Not being mindful!  Another thing and I'm sure we all do this one too is cleaning house and going through the motions but not really concentrating on the job at hand.  The test that I had to take in the work book had over 25 situations and out of those I did them all except for 2.  It really got my mind thinking about my life and how mindless I am and how I need to change not only with my eating but in many other things.

The last exercise for the week was questions about having a conversation with someone and being mindful to what they were saying and then having to pin point when you quit listening and let your mind drift off.  I've had a hard time with that one because I just don't get out enough and socialize.  I know that I am guilty of it.  Especially with my husband when he goes talking about his job and he has said the same thing 50 times before.  LOL!  Do you find yourself doing this?

This week I read about the 7 steps of being mindful with my eating.  I will touch on these things tomorrow after I meet with Kathy.  No exercises this week.

Last Thursday I surprised myself by going to the store and picking up some things that we needed.  Boy let me tell you that Ed was talking very loudly at me, trying his best to convince me that I couldn't do it!  Even to the point that I pulled out of my parking space and started to leave and go home.  I then told Ed to go fly a kite but it wasn't that nice and I pulled around and parked and got out and told myself that I could go in and do what I could do and if I couldn't do it all it was o.k. but that I was going to try.  Well, I walked the entire parameter of the store and a aisle and I got what we needed and I loaded up the truck and made it home and unloaded and put things away.  I was tired but I did it.  I can't tell you how happy it made me to know with the pain in my knees that I CAN do things!

Same thing happened on Sunday when Mark and I met friends for pizza and then went through Costco.  I made it!  I was hurting though when I got through there and out to the car.  But I did 2 things last week.  Yea me!

I have been cooking and I have struggled with doing so but I have fought Ed and made it.  We have really enjoyed it and I love having all the ideas that you all shared with me.  Mark and I have really enjoyed the meals as well.  Kathy has been happy too!

I will end with this surprise!  When we got back from Dallas I weighed 405.4 lbs.  I know that I was retaining fluid but as of last Thursday I'm down to 392.2 lbs!  Go me!

I'm sorry again that I let so much time pass.  I promise that I will be here tomorrow sharing what I have learned about the 7 steps of mindful eating.

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