Saturday, June 21, 2014


So...yesterday my computer was taken back to the store because they thought they could fix it pretty quickly.  Today they called and told me they were going to overnight it to their service center and it would be 5-7 business days before it comes back.  Did you hear bad ugly words flying around this afternoon?  It was me!

Actually, yesterday was a somewhat better day on this new lifestyle.  I'm getting bored with it and that is scary, so I must spend some time trying to find some low-carb recipes.  I told the chef to bring us the same menu and last night I was wondering if I could do another 8 days.  I have to fight it through.

I haven't weighed yet, however I sure can feel in my body that this weight is flying off.  I'm tracking right now with My Fitness Pal and it is a pretty neat App.  Tons better than WW's E-Tools.  I'm just going to track until I see the Dr. on Wednesday.  I did weigh on Monday at 397.6 lbs.  So we will see.  I've been in the bathroom a lot yesterday as my body is either rebelling or purging!  The good news is that I have not taken a fluid pill all week and I feel like I don't need to...yet!  My Fitness Pal tells me that my sodium intake is under 1200 and that is really good!

The one thing that is really bugging me is it is showing that what I'm eating is over 50% fat!  That is flipping me out just a bit.  I know some is coming from meat and I'm eating 2 ounces of cheese a day, a half of a avocado and 2 teaspoons of olive oil.  I wonder what the Dr. will have to say about that.  I am trying to lower it too!

The maids came today and I love it when they leave!  I love a clean house!  We had a quiet evening and went to bed early.

Today I got up early, I didn't sleep well last night at all!  In fact the last few nights have been rough and I miss my 6-7 hours.  Praying that tonight will be better.  I also woke up with stiffness in my neck, shoulders, arms and back.  I didn't feel like doing anything and I didn't.  I did stay with the eating plan and I didn't have to battle hunger today so that was good.

Mark had to work this morning and he did a Costco run this afternoon.  He had Part II to his sleep study tonight so I took him.  I'll have to get early to go back to pick him up.  Tomorrow I need to do some prepping for breakfast and lunch and Mark said he would help me.  We'll see.  He also bought a new 55" LED Samsung for the media room so he is anxious to put our 50" in the living room cabinet and get this new one set up.  Men and their toys!

I'm not going to post the recipe tonight.  I am typing with two fingers on this stupid little net book.  Maybe tomorrow I can get it done!  I also have some websites to share.  These ladies have really confirmed what I'm doing is the way to go.  Also my niece Ceslyn told me that there is a good story in one of the recent Time Magazine entitled "Butter".  I'm looking for it.  She said it straightened her back up from getting lax on her low-carb lifestyle.

Well, my hands are getting tired and I'm ready for bed...So that's all for now!

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