Wednesday, June 4, 2014

The Sharing Of My Heart...

I decided that tonight I would not write about all that happened today.  It can wait till tomorrow.  Tonight I felt the need to share my heart after all that I have gone through.

Please, please, please do not ignore your weight problem.  I realize that there are many that don't have the excess weight that I do but no matter what, excess weight is bad!  BAD!

What it does your body as far as joints, the wear and tear on your internal organs.  What the Dr.'s are saying and have been saying is to get rid of it!  Please heed the call!!!

I don't want anyone to have to hear or go through what I have had to experience these last few months.  Do I feel different?  No.  I still in my mind feel like I still have time even though my Pulmonary Dr. and Cardiologist say that I have some but I don't have forever.

I'm not ready to die!  I'm sure you are not either and I fully realize that we are not guaranteed each day.  The good Lord can call us home at anytime in the way He chooses.  But do you want to really go because of the abuse that you have allowed food do to your body?  Food is not worth it!  Food does not fix things.  Food doesn't make things go away or situations get better.  Things will work out however God plans for them to.  Food will not fix it.  The destruction that we do by binge eating/overeating is really crazy.  Why are we doing it?  Why?  We just have to stop.  When those strong emotions come or anxiety set in figure out some questions that you can stop and ask yourself before you just run for the cookies and/or chips.  Some of my questions are simply.  Why am I wanting to do this?  Is this really smart?  Is it going to fix this situation?  How is this going to make me feel?  How am I going to feel an hour after I indulge?  How am I going to feel later in the day or evening and how am I going to feel the next day?  What else can I do to get rid of these feelings that I am dealing with?  Take a walk, write down the strong feelings of anger or anxiety and really look at them.  Clean out a drawer?  I know we all have them!  I'm just telling you doing this is what has stopped my binging!  It does not work and it doesn't change the outcome.  The outcome is going to be what it is going to be.

Processed foods are killing us and killing our kids.  They are evil, yet I do understand they are convenient but they are killing us!  If you are old enough to remember the stores of the 50's, 60's and 70's they were smaller and they were not filled with these types of foods.  We didn't have 50 or more types of canned tomatoes, tomato sauce etc.  We had only 2 or 3 and that was it.  Think about pasta?  Cookies?  I know that I don't need to preach and I don't want to.  I just want you to think about how much you give your life to food and to make you see that it is not worth it!

Am I perfect and have I arrived?  NO!!!! ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!!!  But I am getting better because I choose to stop just a few minutes and think before I react.  It is the best thing that you can ever do!  It is essential to win this battle.  I tell myself ever day, every meal "Food is fuel!"  It is nothing else and should be nothing else.  We need it to fuel our body's and nothing else.  What in the word have we come to and what in the world are we doing allowing the government and food industry do to us for the almighty dollar.  It is sick!

There is a new documentary out that I want to go see.  I want to encourage you to check it out.  The trailer to the movie really stopped me in my tracks and made this picture so much bigger.  The movie is entitled "Fed-Up"  We have over 6,000 items in our stores that have sugar in them.  We are killing ourselves.  Isn't it time to change gears?

I just don't want any one of my friends and I consider all who reads this a friend to have a Dr. come into a hospital room and tell them "You are going to die" and "I'm not sure that I can help you."  It was mean of that Dr. but deep down I know there was truth in it.  Our bodies are no designed to be big and overweight.  I'm sick of my feet, knees and back hurting.  I'm sick of not being able to get around.  I just hope and pray with every ounce of my being that I will have time to win this time.  I want it.  Only God knows if I will or not.  I hope He allows it as I will give him all the glory if He will spare my life once again.

I love each of you and I just beg and plead with you to think over these things.  Do some soul searching.  Look at the excuses you make.  How much do you love yourself and your families.  Don't they deserve the best of you that you can give?  Don't your kids deserve to be taught how to eat so that they will not have to share our battle.

Enough said.  Back to business!

Good post coming tomorrow!  I loved this new weight management Dr.  She is a Internist that is Board Certified in Weight Management  Boy she knows her stuff.

I have another sad announcement.  I'm crushed.

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