Monday, June 23, 2014

Life Happens!

I have had to spend some time helping our daughter.  She is going through so much right now and I feel like I need to be there for her!  If you will keep Stacey and Eyan in your prayers I would appreciate it!

Saturday night Mark had his 2nd sleep study and when I picked him up on Sunday morning we went to breakfast at I-Hop!  Yes I said I-Hop!  You may be asking what am I doing giving into going to such a place!  I took my Truvia for my coffee and I figured I could eat a omelet and things would be o.k.  WRONG!  Did you know that they put their buttermilk pancake batter in their omelets?  I happened to notice this on their menu.  I thought that I was screwed.  I asked the waitress if she could make sure that they did not add that pancake batter to my omelet and she said that she would.  Yea!  Mark ate the pancakes that came with it but I will have to admit that it really bothered me. I wanted them!  I had a ham and cheese omelet with jalapeno jack cheese.  I didn't add any veggies. I just wanted meat and cheese.  It was good and I could tell that they didn't add the batter to it because you could tell that they had a hard time turning it.  I did enjoy eating out but dang I wanted those pancakes!

When we got home Mark ran some errands and I watched some TV and talked briefly to Stacey.  For lunch that afternoon I had the new Strawberry Chicken Salad from Wendy's and I put my own oil and vinegar on it.  It was so good but I will say they way over do it on the lettuce!  The dressing sounded like it was going to be o.k. because it was an apple oil and vinegar.  It had sugar in the ingredients so I pitched it in the trash.

Mark did not sleep very well at all at the sleep center.  He slept most of the afternoon and I fell asleep as well.  We had chef food as well that night and we did watch Rising Star and used my phone to vote for people. That was a lot of fun!  We did call it a early night because we both were tired.

This morning I woke up feeling really good and I was so glad.  I have really had to battle not feeling well, craving sugar and carbs but I have fought and it is all easing up.  It has been worth the flight because I weighed this morning and I was down to 390.2 lbs.  I started at 397.6 lbs.  I was so happy!  I also have not taken any fluid pills this week so I bet I have lost more.  I plan to take a very light fluid pill as my legs are stinging a little.

I really want to get off of the fluid pills and I think that I can.  My sodium level on this way of eating is around 12-1300 and that is great!  We ate Italian food last Sunday so I know that is what I'm feeling in my legs.  Won't that be great to rid myself of 2 meds?  I hope this works out.  At least maybe I will only have to take the lightest one every great once in a while.  Oh God!  I want this so bad!

I was on the phone all day between my 2 best friends and Stacey.  I did have to go out and get some banking done for her so she will be ready to meet with her attorney later this week. Tonight we enjoyed some more Chef food and I watched The Bachelor and we are about ready to go to bed.

I did have a strange eating day.  I did not eat breakfast but I did have two small snacks for cheese with almonds and that seemed to do me well. When I was out doing the banking I ran through Chick-Fil-A and tried their new grilled nuggets.  I got 12 of them since that is all that I was going to eat and let me tell you they were loaded with sodium.  Since watching my sodium I have really become sensitive to the taste of salt!

Tomorrow morning I have Anna and nothing much going on except being here for Stacey.  I do need to grill some chicken to have for my salads and/or cook up some of our frozen veggies. Wednesday I see the Weight Management Dr. again and on Thursday we are taking our little Ernie to see a Board Certified Vet.  His ACL (?) level in his liver is still high.  We have got to see what is going on with our little boy.  Pray for him and me as we are very close and I love him so much!  I'm scared to death for my little fur baby!  Friday I'm meeting Doreen for lunch.  I haven't seen her in a while.  I miss her reading the blog.  I don't know why she stopped.  Probably because I have been so inconsistent.  I appreciate those of you who have hung in there.

I know that I promised a new recipe but I will have to wait till I get the computer back and then I will post it. So hang in there!

If any of you are doing low-carbs I need some food ideas and recipe.  Please share if you can!


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