Saturday, June 23, 2012

Had A Great Day!

I had a really great day yesterday.  I got up and finished up the last few things for the maids and then I took a short nap (I got up at 4:00) and I had breakfast and went and worked out with my trainer.  We really had a great workout.   I would say it was the best ever.  He pushed me and then I would decide to push myself more.  I think that we both were suprised as to what I could really do.  It makes me wonder if I can push further.  One the arm machine I pushed 35 lbs and I'm telling you at first try I could not budge the handles.  My trainer kept yelling at me push and I know you can do it and I finally took a deep breath and gave it everything I had and it moved.  I then kept holding my breath and he noticed and told me to stop.  I had a hard time keeping it going and stopped a couple short but I did let the last few in.  We did the treadmill again pushing me to the max and we did the stepper and then the Ab machine was tied up so he had me sit n a rubber ball nnd hod a 15 pound above my head and made me sit-up without moving my arms.  That was tought till I figured out how to do it.  It was hard but rewarding.  I left the gym feeling like a fit girl!  Woo Hoo!!!!

The maids did a fantastic job on the house and it feels so good to have it clean!  If I don't get that office room done someone in the house is going to kill me so it is on my list to spend at least a hour a day on it till it gets done.  My sweetie has really been working on the garage and our new neighbors are going to take our old dining room set and so hopefully by next weekend my new car will be parked in the garage and out of this heat!

My niece came to borrow a long table and some chairs and a fan for a event that she is doing for her job.  She sells insurance and does financial planning.  She is really good at what she does and we had a nice visit before I helped her unload and re-load her SUV.  My new neighbor came over and I was able to introduce them to each other and hopefully she can help them with their needs.  My neighbor had come to leave me a key to their house because they are going out of town.  We are really enjoying our new neighbors.  It is 100% better than the old ones that had drama going on all the time.  It is like a breath of fresh air.  I think for once we are going to be really happy here.

Well, I have spent all morning long trying to write this and dozing off.  I need to get things prepped for dinner tonight (Saturday) and I need to do my Wii and get my shower and get dressed.  Time is a wasting!  I just wished I was excited about who was coming but I'm not.  I'll be glad when the evening is over.  A long over-due, cancelled many times obligation that will be out of my hair!  I know that I have such a awful attitude but I'm just not diggin entertaining my old WW leader that was a control freak in my life!  Enough said!

Enjoy your day and send me some happy vibes today!

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