Tuesday, June 19, 2012

I Made It! Woo Hoo!

I didn't get done all that I wanted to get done yesterday but that is o.k.  This is a process and I'm not going to beat myself up over it.  My eating was perfect!  I have been trying to get back to that since my mother-in-law passed away and I got off track.  I didn't get to get back to the Wii but hey I did get in over 30 minutes and that is a start.  I did take a pretty long nap and I must have needed it.  That day is over and I'm calling it SUCCESS!

Last night on Nightline they did a segment on gastric by-pass surgery and reported that 1 out of 10 people who undergo the surgery turn into alcholics!  The reason for this is because food no longer works for them like food did so they turn to something different.  Another reason not to have this surgery!  Awful!  They interviewed several people who did have problems drinking since surgery.

I know that I have never really discussed my gastric banding not to be confused with the lap-band that I had done in 1993.  Humm...that was almost 19 years ago and you know what?  I'm still obese.  Did I get skinny with that band?  No!  Yes I lost weight, lost my hearing and lost my health but it did not turn me into my skinny dream girl.  With all that I have learned since then it wouldn't have because you have to fix the head first.  This weight loss journey is a two-fold process.  You have to work on your head and you have to do what it takes to lose the weight.  You just can't do one or the weight loss will not stay gone!  As Allie Vincent, the first woman Biggest Loser's motto is "BELIEVE IT!" 

I did have my little self talk this morning but I added something to it.  I'm presently reading Chris Powell's book and the chapter that I'm on is about changing your way of thinking and today I added "I am a athlete!  I am in training!"  He said that we all have the ability to be a athlete but that most of us don't believe it.  He says that you have to believe it because it is possible.  This is what he tells the people that he is working with to transform that they will be and they have to believe it.  If you have watched Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition you see him turn people into athletes.  The Biggest Loser does the same thing.  This work isn't finished when you reach your magic number, it continues on.  I have often said that when I get to goal I want to run a 5K and you know what I'm going to!  I may be 58 or 59 year old but I am going to run one.  I'm not saying that I want to become a runner but I want to run a 5K and not come in last!  I want such a transformation that I can find a way to work with obese kids and teenagers to let them know that the time is now to change their destiny and get healthy.  To let the see and hear that they do not want to do what I have done with my life!  That is my big dream!  It will come true!  I know it!

My agenda for the rest of the day is to finish a load of laundry that needs to be dried, fix my lunch, shower and go work out with JD.  After that I plan to come home and start picking up things since the maids are coming on Friday.  I've also got to figure out what to do with the Mahi-Mahi fillets that I have thawing in the fridge.  Do you have any good ideas that you can share with me?  If so, leave me a comment.  I'll be checking back to see if you share with me.  If not, then I have some Biggest Loser cookbooks that I can look through.  I just don't want plain baked fish.  Of course there will be no potatoes, I might fix some brown rice and I have some a frozen medley of veggies that I plan on stir-frying.  Dinner will be good!  What is in store at your house tonight?  Whatever it is I hope that it is clean eating because then it will be healthy!

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