Saturday, January 5, 2013

Getting Worried!!!

I'm still sick.  In fact my neighbor Rae is sick but she was smart and went to the Dr. today and she tested negative for the flu and was diagnosed as having a upper respiratory infection.  Her Dr. said it was going around and a lot of people were try to self treat it and they were ending up in the hospital.  Oh Lord!  Wouldn't you know this evening I've started coughing up a little blood.  Not every time but still the same.  I think when I'm doing writing today's blog I'm going to email my Dr.s nurse to see if they can't squeeze me in!  Who knows maybe I will just go to a med clinic tomorrow!

Today was another lazy day with nothing much going on.  I had a English muffin toasted with peanut butter for breakfast and Mark and I watched some HGTV and I messed around on the computer looking at recipes on Skinny since I need to cook 3 times this week.  I found a delicious soup that I want to make called Chicken Pot Pie.  It has rave reviews. Mark didn't feel like getting out today so we put off cooking till tomorrow.  It rained here all day!  I really didn't want him to get out either since I think he is coming down with this crap!  I did get hungry a couple of hours after breakfast and I was craving the left over chili con queso, so I heated it up and grabbed the bag of Tostitos and you know what?  I only ate half of it and I was done.  By the size of my bowl I would save that I had about a 1/2 cup.  Normally I would have eaten it all snacked on chips without anything and would scrap the bowl with my finger to make sure I got it all.  I was real amazed and very proud of myself!

A few hours later Mark was hungry for lunch and I was starting to get hungry again and it was time for my lunch.  He made us black forest ham and cheese sandwiches and chips and it was really good.  We then watched the Texans game and I may have dozed off some.  I took a shower and that felt good and we just watched TV and then the cats started screaming for their dinner  It was time for my snack so I had some peanut butter and crackers (4 of them), I love those!

Didn't I tell you it was a boring day?  When it came time for dinner I was real hungry for some tacos  I wanted Mark to pick up a dinner for a little Mexican food place just outside of our subdivision but he didn't want to he wanted that dozen tacos from Taco Bell.  I told him that I didn't want 6 tacos that I really wanted just a couple of good ones.  He then tells me that I can eat what I want and then throw the rest away.  OK  Whatever!!!  Do you think that happened?  He should have listened to me!  I ate all 6 of them and they were not even good!  So...I blew it.  I am going to have to have another little talk with him again tomorrow about that.  He has got to start listening to me.  His deal was Taco Bell was only $10 and the other was $7.99 each.  So?  I wouldn't have overate!  He doesn't understand the problem and I guess when you don't have a eating disorder then you just don't get it.

Well more TV watching this evening and I dozed off.  Mark woke me up a bit ago and he has gone to bed.  I have done my breathing treatment and I'm ready to call it a day.  I need to spend some time thinking about my little talk with Mark in the morning.  He's got to get on the same page1

Till good and stay strong!!!

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