Friday, January 11, 2013

Great Day!

I'm having to back date this because I wore myself out yesterday!

I got up and got after it this morning.  I got Mark off to work and then I showered and got dressed and started some laundry.  My goal today was to do a load of towels and and two loads of undies (darks and whites), unload and reload the dishwasher, wash up pots and pans, put the Chicken Pot Pie in containers for refrigerator and freezer, wash down all the granite and get it shiny again with some good granite cleaner, dust the breakfast table, post the recipe, cook dinner and fold clothes.  Well my intentions were good and the only things that I didn't get to do was wash down all the granite and get it shiny, dust the breakfast table, post the recipe and fold clothes.  I did though cook my meals today including dinner.  I cheated a bit on dinner though.  I fixed  rotisserie chicken, boiled some new potatoes and I stir-fried some veggies we got from Costco that had a butter balsamic sauce in it.  Boy was dinner good!

There is tomorrow to pick up with what I didn't get done and add to the list.  After admitting many times that I'm lazy and no one really listening to me and to try and help me I decided that I had to start doing things myself.  I can get up and do a little and rest and that is what I did all day long.  I got some computer time and I even took a 45 minute nap.  My knees were hurting a bit by the time I got dinner done but I survived the day.  Now to see how I feel in the morning and see if I an get several things done including cooking dinner.  I think that tomorrow night I will do something with some fish, potatoes and seek out a vegetable. 

Are y'all proud of me?  I'm proud of myself.  I was glowing all day because it felt good.  I am going to prove to myself that I can take care of my home.  I may not be able to do it all in a day but that will come as the weight comes off.  The house isn't too bad since I had a maid just before Christmas.  Tomorrow I am going to try and add the Dining room and the Entry to my list of dusting.  We'll see!  This has made me feel more human.  Amazing!  I have many things flowing through my head of things that I need to get done.  Slowly and surely I will.

So, that was my day, good eating, English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast, ham sandwich on oatmeal bread with light mayo, cheese, lettuce and green onion.  I had a cup of Chicken Pot Pie Soup to go along with it.  For my afternoon snack I had 4 peanut butter crackers that I made myself.  It was so good!  And I told you about dinner.  For my bedtime snack I enjoyed 2 Keebler cinnamon cookies.  Not bad at all.  Anxious to shock Kathy this week!

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