Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Yea! I've Got Meds!

This morning was crazy as I had to get to the vet to get the boys some cat food and get to the Dr..  Mark and I went together and of course I'm worse off than Mark because I have let this go on for so long!  But the good news is I have cough syrup, a antibiotic and instructions to keep using my nebulizer and I will get over this!

Actually today I have felt the worse.  My eating showed it as well.  I guess I was looking for comfort foods.  I didn't get to eat breakfast because I had so much to do this morning and Mark didn't wake me up so when I finally did get up I didn't have time, I had to run!  I know...I need to have things here that I can grab and go with but I haven't figured out what that is.  I refuse to eat those sweet breakfast bars because they do nothing but make you hungry!

Once I got home from getting our meds, getting Mark some lunch and delivering it all to him at work, I was exhausted and I crashed in my chair when I got home.  Mark did bring me some fish, mashed potatoes and green beans from Luby's so it wasn't all loss but I have learned that I cannot have any cookies in this house.  I can't do a few at a time.  I want too many at a time.

Hopefully when I wake up in the morning I will feel better and I can get some things done and get this eating back on track!  I didn't even log my food today! I'll have to go on-line to catch up.  Boo!  Oh well, it is my fault and this is just one day and I know that this has to stop here and not go any further!

Here is tomorrow!  I will make it a great day! 

I keep forgetting to mention that I have added things to the Encouragement page, the Stats and yes a gross picture of what I look like now.  If you have been following me for a while it will make you sick.  It makes me sick.  I will never figure out why I let myself gain all this weight back!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura ...it's me Teri. I will try to get back to reading these when I can. Email me on my god reigns acct. Not the one seen here...when you can Praying for you both!
