Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Catching Up!

This has been a crazy few days.  I just couldn't write, then got busy and yesterday was Remicade and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

Let's start back at Sunday, weigh in day.  I was up!  I gained 3.6 lbs and knowing my body like I do there is some fluid retention involved.  Eating out and processed foods contain lots of sodium and my body doesn't handle it.

I was still pretty upset on Sunday and still emotional over my conversation with Michael.  I still feel the need to work on building my own support group.  Not sure how to do this but I need to figure something out.

I started the day out back on track and made it through lunch and then fell off the wagon at dinner time.  I hate the feelings and emotions that I'm going through.


I saw the mail on the kitchen counter and found a letter from the hospital and a bill from a Dr.  Apparently Aetna did not do what they told me they were going to and that was review the claims from last year's hospital stay and reprocess the claim.  The hospital is looking for nearly $5,000.  GAK.  The Dr. bill is a balance for co-pays after filing with our old insurance company in 2013!  When it rains it pours!

I spent the morning on the phone with Aetna and the Dr.'s office.  I found out from the Dr.'s office that they could not refund the claim back because the insurance was still in effect!  What?  We terminated the Cobra coverage back in December 2013!  Long story short Mark's ex-employer did not terminate him with the insurance company and have been paying for Cobra premiums!!!!  OMG!  Now the problem is getting this straightened out and getting these claims reversed before the 6 month time limit to file properly with Aetna!  My head hurts.  I have been on the phone a lot.  My mood has been awful and food has been my emotional comforter.  BAD!

I did meet a old cross-stitch friend for lunch on Monday and it was a great thing to see her and to get a way from the mayhem around here.  I did not eat breakfast and while we ate at a Italian restaurant I ordered and grilled shrimp salad with fat-free italian dressing and only ate half of it.  I was going to take the other half of the salad home but I left it there.  I can tell you by suppertime I was hungry and cratered into a 3 piece KFC dinner with potato wedges and green beans.  It made me sick.  Too much grease!  Oh my goodness, food really does play into how you feel.  I'm back to no energy, my mood is down and I want to eat thinking that food will make me feel better.  It won't!  I know that!  I need to get back to CLEAN EATING!

Went to bed sick!


I spent more time on the phone with the Dr. office before rushing to get ready to leave for my Remicade appointment.  I was almost late.  Too bad for me I didn't have time for breakfast so I grabbed a bottle of water and a banana and headed out the door.

When I get my Remicade they give me Zyrtec and Tylenol as premeds.  Sometimes they give me the generic to Zyrtec and today it was the regular and that stuff knocks me out.  It didn't take 30 minutes and my eyes rolled back into my head and I slept the whole time I was there.

I was starving when I got out so I ate my banana and drank my water before leaving the parking lot.  It got me almost home before I pulled into Whataburger and got a Patty Melt, fries and a lemon pie!  See I'm doing bad behavior again.  I guess I didn't learn last night.

For dinner Mark brought home BBQ and I did nothing but sleep.  When I went to bed I felt like I had a 100 lb. weight in my belly!  I felt really sick.  I have got to turn this around!  I have to dish these emotions of things that are out of my control and get back to eating right.  Boy is it going to be a rough few days or week but I have to do it!

It begins in the morning!  Pray for me!

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