Sunday, February 15, 2015

No Title...

I couldn't think of one for today.  Nothing would come so it is what it is...

Today was weigh in day and I lost .2!  After all that I have been eating, this is a blessing!

I did find 2 new recipes for the week.  Both came from Skinny Taste.  They are:

Crock Pot Picante Chicken and Black Bean Soup and Canned Tuna Ceviche that will be eaten in lettuce cups.  Mark did the grocery shopping and I just got finished putting the soup on to cook during the night for lunch tomorrow.  If the recipes are good I will post the recipes and/or links to the recipes.

Today we slept in till almost 10 and then remembered that we didn't have any eggs so we ended up with Breakfast Tacos for breakfast, Patty Melts and Fries for lunch and Pizza and brownies for dinner.

Can you spell S - I - C - K?

I am.  I feel the filthy food in my body, I feel drugged, I feel awful!  I truly feel like I'm on drugs!!!!  I hate this and to think this is how we use to eat all the time!  Everyday!

The party ends today!  I just hope I can sleep tonight!

Before I close I have something to share.  I have really been growing sick and tired of the same old selections of food.  I really would rather go full Paleo but that will never clear with Michael.  Today I posted the following:

I'm bored, bored, BORED with lunches! I need ideas! Very clean eating, no sugar, no bread (wheat), grains! HELP! Starting to feel like a puppet!

I got lots of suggestions.  Some I can use and many I can't.  But it was so sweet and precious to me that friends reached out to me.

Janet, my mentor posted this:

 Food does not have the power to entertain or excite. Food is fuel for your body. Life is for entertaining, excitement, energy, and building relationships. When bored....go for a walk, volunteer at a charity, read a book to feed your soul, find a new hobby. If you give all that power to food, you give up control of your life, my dear.

Now she peeved me just a bit.  It was not what my post was about.  She seems to always read more into my words than what I'm saying.  I responded:

 Maybe bored wasn't the right word to use. Food doesn't have to excite me but for lunches we seem to eat the same thing over and over and over. Just looking for something new to try.

Then Michael posted.  He is so powerful with words.  Here is some food for thought:

Laura, remember this one thing , there's power in words. For example, “ I'm bored. Does anyone have any suggestions” about saying “I'm so excited about the results I've seen so far! Can I ask any of you for some great suggestions for more clean eating recipes etc, etc” ...You are the result of the words you speak and the thoughts and actions you do. Love you!   Be very carful of words you choose. Thoughts are only thoughts, but when you put words to your thoughts, like saying “I’m bored, bored, BORED” , only then will your life become boring. Your mind will believe what you say. 

It won’t matter what anyone will suggest recipe wise, you’ll still be bored. Change your thoughts, change your actions, change your behavior. that's my recipe for your new eating program Love YOU!!! Now start loving You By the word you choose xoxoxoxo

Now I'm going to try and sleep.  Thank you Lord for new days and another chance to do better!

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