Wednesday, February 25, 2015


Here is Part 3 of my newsletter:

Fat Loss Problem #3: Your Excuses

Your excuses for being out-of-shape are getting old. An excuse takes less immediate effort than an action, but in the long run the action taker always has the advantage. Don't allow excuses to ruin your life any longer.

  • Don't skip out on your responsibilities with excuses, instead expect more from yourself.
  • Focus on the big reason why you are losing the weight. Make a list of the benefits you'll enjoy once you achieve your goal, and read them first thing each morning.
  • Remember that you can only have two things in life: excuses or results. Which do you want?

Have you been around someone that did nothing but make excuses?  oes it make you as crazy as it does me?  OMG!  You want to get on my last nerve...start making after another after another...and then make an excuse for making excuses!

I have a friend whose life is just that.  Hates her circumstances but just wants to bitch and moan about it and not want to do anything about.  She can some up with the best damn excuses.  Wants to lose weight but just can't.  She rolls around her house in a oversize office chair because her knees hurt.  Can't eat right because of limited funds but has 2 people living with them.  One is her daughter's boyfriend and the other is her niece who makes $50K a year rent free.  Her husband is going to school at near 60 and has never really held a job.  They live on her disability and money he gets from a school loan that they will have to pay back.  I got caught up in her circumstances in the beginning, helped financially, loaned one of my computers to them which I probably will never get back because doing so means I have to go get it.  I never want to go back to their house after they told me the story how snakes get in all the time.  I could write a year long blog listing excuses coming out of her mouth,  Some are real doozies!

I know we all can make excuses from time to time.  It is normal.  I do it.  I'm sure you have too.  But for nothing but excuses that come out of your mouth something is majorly wrong!  I can sit and recall just my last conversation with her a week ago.  I want to scream!  I can't because my Mom... I can['t because we don't have any money...I can't because they eat all the meat...I promised my sister before she died I would help her daughter get on her feet...I can't charge her rent because I promised Evelyn...We can't put the puppy out because Lokie would try to kill it...I can't go to the Dr. cause we on't have any money...GET MY DRIFT?

Please kill me if I ever get like this!!!!!!!

I want action in my life!  Do you?

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