Friday, January 9, 2015

Icky Day!

Today was a icky day!  I had my Remicade and it was rainy and didn't get out of the 30's when I was gone.  For some reason the pre-meds really did a number on me and I couldn't keep my eyes open.

I was also very hungry today.  That is what happens when you eat something that is full of junk.  I didn't say anything but Mark and I had some chips and queso last night with dinner.  The first bite I took was very salty, had a wang to it and just wasn't what I remembered queso tasting like.  Of course I kept eating it thinking that it would start tasting better but it did not!  Lesson learned.  Bad foods don't really taste that good.  Our taste buds are skewed.  Eating whole foods for the last 80 days really do take hold and trust me, I will not do that again.  Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips from Sprouts and salsa are fabulous and healthy.

So this morning I got up and weighed and I was up 5 lbs.  Hum...I wonder what could have caused that?  Could it be the salt and the chemicals in that 1/2 cup queso that I consumed last night.  I truly believe it was.  Reminds me of my old life of bad foods and my cocktail of diuretics!  Boy I don't want to go there again.  I haven't told Michael what I have done but I will.  I want to see what it takes to get my body straightened back out.  I need to see and learn.

Tonight we watched the movie Gravity.  It was pretty good but I hated the ending.  I guess it leaves it for a sequel.  We also got Saving Mr. Banks and we are planning to watch that tomorrow night.  Tomorrow Mark works and I am going to find 3 new recipes to try and plan to make one for dinner tomorrow night.  I need to schedule some days at Downsize, finish taking down the tree and packing everything up for next year.  I need to get some lunches made this weekend.  I'm getting tired of chasing myself everyday for lunches.  Janet gave me a recipe for lettuce wraps and I think I'll whip those up along with a soup.

So a busy day tomorrow.  I guess I better hit the hay so I can hit the ground running.  Wish me luck!

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