Monday, January 19, 2015

What Happened???

Today started out great.  Got Mark off to work, worked at getting things finished up for the maids, scheduled a lunch date next week with a dear friend and then all of a sudden...

I'm sick!!!!

I was talking to my niece Meredith and I started feeling really cold.  I needed to wash my hair so I jumped into the shower and turned the hot water up and I just froze to death.  I couldn't stand to have a body part not covered by the really warm water.  I had the hardest time getting my hair washed and the longer I was in the shower the more nauseated I became.

I managed to get out and get dried off and got my hair up in a towel and I got under a blanket in the media room shivering to death.  I couldn't move I had the dry heaves! I called Mark and I was shaking so bad I could hardly talk, I was stuttering all over the place.  I felt like I couldn't move.  What was going on?  Mark was going to try and come home to help me but everyone in his office was no where to be found!  He said he would call and check back on me.  He called the maids and cancelled because I was so sick.  It was weird.  It was out of the blue and hit me like a ton of bricks!  I managed to get my hair dried and got back under the blanket and just shivered.  I managed to take my temperature and it was 100.7!  

Mark called me back and I was still stuttering and I knew I had to get to the Tylenol.  I managed and I got some socks on my feet and back under blanket.  I called him back and told him there was no need to come home.  I felt a little sleepy so he agreed to call and check on me in a couple of hours.  I did fall asleep and I woke up about 2 1/2 hours later hotter than hell and had to turn on the ceiling fan because the fever broke.  I've not had fever since but still don't feel the greatest.

What could be wrong?  I didn't even feel like stitching.  What is with that?

I also didn't eat today.  Just wasn't hungry.  Hoping tomorrow will be a better day!

My Dad got transferred and he's in ICU but improving.  I knew they should have moved him on Sunday.  Pray for all of us!

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